Has your research project developed educational materials that feature the new Earth science knowledge and data that your work has produced? Can those materials help students develop a better understanding of the Earth system and climate change science? If so consider submitting your science educational resources to the CLEAN project for review to become part of a vetted collection of educational resources for teaching climate and energy science in grades 6-16.
The CLEAN Pathway (http://cleanet.org), supported by NSF, Dept of Energy, and NOAA, is stewarding a collection of classroom activities, lab demonstrations, videos, visualizations, simulations and more. Each resource is extensively reviewed for scientific accuracy, pedagogical effectiveness, and technical quality. Once accepted into the CLEAN Collection, a resource is aligned with climate and energy literacy principles and national standards. The CLEAN website hosts a growing collection of currently ~610 resources that represent the leading edge of climate and energy science resources for the classroom.
This poster describes the components of the CLEAN effort, including the vetted collection, information to help educators improve their own climate and energy literacy and how to effectively integrate the climate and energy principles into their teaching; and how to integrate CLEAN resources onto your websites.