Energy and Climate February 2012
Quick overview of White Paper:
- Received comments from several people. Document has been updated and uploaded to the ESIP website. Kept track changes so that you can see changes from the first draft. Goal is to send the white paper out to agencies by mid April.
Discussion Points:
- Kumar: Would appreciate any ESIP support that might better enable the group to at least start to define the requirements. Current paper describes the need for a tool but we should also start to describe the requirements for a tool of this kind: 1) wiki page getting community feedback about relevant requirements, 2) ESIP volunteer to start building out requirements of this tool.
- Brand: Recently worked with the Open Energy information and did analysis of the data. Write-up of work found here:
- Stefan: We should think about how the group can make use of the ESIP wiki to capture some of the information that has been compiled in the document in a different form.
- Erin: You could submit proposal to Products and Services testbed projects and identify students (with the technical expertise) that are interested in doing this work. That may be faster if you’re looking for technical support. This may also be the best way to get agency sponsorship if you have a testbed prototype that agencies can then play with.
- Kumar: Rahul suggested creating a prototype that uses semantic based aggregation approach (?). He’s looking for additional funding to do more serious work on it going forward.
Action Points:
- Kumar: Will integrate examples and a ‘Next Steps and Future Plans’ section into the paper. Will send out an updated draft of the white paper once everyone has responded. Once finalized, the paper will be sent out officially to different agencies (DOE, USGS, EPA, NOAA, Fish and Wildlife, Park Service).
- Brand: Suggested that integrating examples (using data from the target agencies) into the white paper may be much more effective in gaining support from the different agencies. Offered his examples to use in the white paper. Offered to write examples based on any other data. Also mentioned competition by NSF to use their data.
- Laurie: Will try to touch base to see who might support this project. Can also help draft a list of agencies to send the paper/prototype to.
- Kumar will look into asking committees to sponsor the Energy and Climate Change cluster for financial support. Will also follow-up with Products and Services Testbed Services and Rahul to determine what’s needed to build a prototype of the tool.
Submitted by superadmin on 2012-04-25 22:39.