Discovery Telecon 2012-08-14
DCP business
- Handling specification versions
- others..
- updates for SPG specification
Plan for Winter meeting's participatory workshop
- feedback
- collect ideas on what we can ask Carol/Erin for help in getting Winter meeting attendance demographics
- topics. noting that Winter meetings tend to be more a little moreprogrammatic.
DCP Business
Should the "esip" prefix convention be included in the spec?
- W3C does this (e.g., dc == Dublin Core)
- this spec aligns with the W3C conventions for including version in the namespace
how do versions fit within OSDDs or feed elements? Can you have multiple versions in an individual request or response?
- examples will help with this
Should the "esip" prefix convention be included in the spec?
Error handling
- For now, we will go with a "renderable" message for errors
Do not support "text/xml" responses until we decide on a specific format for the response
- Unless the response is renderable (i.e., with XSLT)
Updates for SPG Specification
- None, Chris has been looking into the format for these specs
Plan for Winter Meeting Participatory Workshop
- Brainstorming session early in the week
- Planning session late in the week and how to move forward on that
Submitted by Rozele on 2012-10-31 11:27.