Earth Science Collaboratory Planning Session


Plan for the upcoming year:  we seek useful activities that can produce a tangible outcome, along with one or better, two people to champion the activity.  Possible activities for consideration include:

1. ESC grand challenge use cases
2. Science-specific assessments (e.g. USGCRP?)
3. "killer app" for ESC
4. Governance model(s)
5. Collect and assess "pain points" for ESC.
6. Collect and assess "delight points" for ESC
7. Align currently funded "collaboratory"-related projects with ESC activities. And vice-versa.
8. Collect existing collaboration tools, lessons learned, etc.
9. Participate in the NASA ESDSWG activity to develop a Reference Architecture for the ESC


We will be collaboratively filling out the ESC Planning Worksheet during the session.


Earth Science Collaboratory Planning Session


Plan for the upcoming year:  we seek useful activities that can produce a tangible outcome, along with one or better, two people to champion the activity.  Possible activities for consideration include:
1. ESC grand challenge use cases
2. Science-specific assessments (e.g. USGCRP?)
3. "killer app" for ESC
4. Governance model(s)
5. Collect and assess "pain points" for ESC.
6. Collect and assess "delight points" for ESC
7. Align currently funded "collaboratory"-related projects with ESC activities. And vice-versa.
8. Collect existing collaboration tools, lessons learned, etc.
9. Participate in the NASA ESDSWG activity to develop a Reference Architecture for the ESC

Analogy of ecosystems to earth science collaboratory


How many people don’t know what an earth science collaboratory is?

  • ecosystems is more and more like an earth science collaboratory
  • lifecycle also factors is


ESC is about sharing all of the data, tools, workflows, results of workflows, stories, all of those are connected to each others, the contextual knowledge


Over the last year

  • Monthly telecons
  • Holding seversal sessions including hackathon, with Ramadda and HubZero (generic NanoHub)
  • HubZero – 800,000 unique users


Killer Apps:

What technologies make it easier for people to share?

  • we need to look beyond implementation
  • what do these applications have that we can learn from
  • what are the activation functions


Shared Vision of ESC

  • 5th Discipline


The collaboration already exists in some form


Really need to do whatever we can to enable more and more sharing

  • we need to harmonize all existing pieces, more than interoperability


Ecosystem as capabilities: fundamental plumbing,


Should we be making a set of recommendations as an ESC?

Exposing the various knowledge graphs might be useful

  • exposing the connectivity


Types of Users:

Applications Users, Educational Users,


More than just data: shared experiences, trials, tribulations, everything is important


Why things get shared, what gets shared, what does sharing mean, and the user models


Ramadda: a lot of people think its great but a lot of people won’t use it because its too complicated.  If you’re only collaborating with five other partners, it becomes too complicated to pick up these products


Depends on the scientific process


What motivates people to share?
ownership, reward systems, stackoverflow index,


Lynnes, C.; Hua, H.; Law, E.; Earth Science Collaboratory Planning Session; Winter Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , November 2012