Data and their use in exploring the energy/agriculture/climate nexus, and implications for community resilience: Considerations with the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit and Climate Data Initiative


These two session, co-sponsored by the Agriculture & Climate Cluster and Energy & Climate Working Group, will address the energy/agriculture/climate nexus, relevant data and their use, and implications for community resilience. Focus will be on nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (CRT) and Climate Data Initiative (CDI). Invited speakers from CRT and CDI will present on these two recent White House initiatives. Several use cases will be presented on the application of remote sensing and other data to support community resilience. Ample time will be provided for Q&A and group discussion, for everyone to participate and to help formulate a set of post-session actions and plan.


Session 1
LuAnn Dahlman, NOAA: U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit- Overview of CRT

Curt Tilmes, CDI Technical Lead: U.S. Climate Data Initiative - Overview of CDI

Use cases

- Barry Weiss, JPL: SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) Early Adopters

- Amir AghaKouchak, UC Irvine: Remote sensing of drought: Progress and opportunities for improving drought monitoring in California

- Sangram Ganguly, NASA Ames: Mapping drought impacts on agricultural production in California's Central Valley 

Session 2
Use cases

- Terrence R. Thompson, LMI: Mergin energy-infrastructure and climate-projection data (REMOTE)

- Sonya Ziaja, California Energy Commission: Science-informed adaptation in California's energy system

- Erica Zell, Battelle: Vulnerabilities and resilience to urban heat waves associated with climate change (REMOTE)

Group discussion
Actions and plan



Link to download WebEx session recording here:

Link to download WebEx recording player here:


Teng, B.; Hoebelheinrich, N.; Privette, A.; Eckman, R.; Data and their use in exploring the energy/agriculture/climate nexus, and implications for community resilience: Considerations with the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit and Climate Data Initiative; Summer Meeting 2015. ESIP Commons , April 2015