Drone Session
The Drone Cluster will be hosting a workshop/session to present the fundamentals of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle aviation. Drones are being used for a wide range of data acquisition such as precision agriculture, disaster relief, humanitarian aid, scientific data collection and utility inspection by utilizing remote sensing techniques, instrumentation and delivery capabilities. In this session, we will introduce the basics of drones and provide a discussion space for research that members of the Drone Cluster (and ESIP) are currently conducting or experimenting with. The proposed agenda for the session consits of four major sections:
1. Drone platforms (hardware, software, tools and instruments. Data workflows/management.)
2. Applied drone use and research.
3. Drones in the world (FAA regulations, policy, and general trends for the future)
4. Collaborative Discussion - As this is a new cluster to ESIP, we are interested in providing ample time for discussion on the Drone Cluster, various research collaborations and potential demonstrations.
This session is designed to be beginner friendly, gathering any and all ESIP members who are interested in learning more about drones and drone-based research. There may be able to be some small amount of demonstration depending on the space.