The objective of IQ cluster is to bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data. We will be learning and sharing best practices with a goal to build a framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of data quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications. The efforts and goals of this cluster are not predefined and are motivated by the participants of the cluster, so new ideas and participants are always welcome.
The IQ cluster met during the ESIP Meeting of Summer 2014, but has been dormant since then. In the meanwhile, there have been significant activities related to this cluster’s goals in NASA (through its Data Quality Working Group, one of the Earth Science Data System Working Groups – ESDSWG), and NOAA (with its Data Product and Stewardship Maturity Matrices). The purpose of the poster is to present progress in these two areas and chart a course for future collaboration to meet the objectives of the IQ cluster.