It is a key mission area for scientists to make their data/observations available to the community for further discovery, collaboration, and exploration. The data from earth observation systems and models can be large due to temporality, dimensionality and scale. Additionally, dissemination and sharing is necessary to highlight work and facilitate repeatable analysis through peer review. This poster highlights how scientists may leverage the ArcGIS platform of tools to analyze, manage and share their work. Many universities and agencies, including NASA, NOAA, and USGS have enterprise agreements with Esri, making the ArcGIS platform freely available to scientists for their missions.
Esri is committed to building an open platform, that when employed by scientists makes them more productive. We have engineered ArcGIS to be interoperable through support of open standards, open data, open content, and our open source libraries on Github. ArcGIS supports NetCDF, GRIB, and HDF, and is currently be used to manage and disseminate large imagery and big earth observation data at NOAA, NASA and other large government agencies.