Advancing netCDF-CF
The Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions for netCDF (netCDF-CF) are widely accepted in the climate, weather, remote-sensing, and other geoscience communities.
This session will provide an update on several current efforts to advance netCDF-CF as well as providing an opportunity for the ESIP community to discuss and provide input on those efforts.
- Update on current activities to advance netCDF-CF (PDF), Ethan Davis, Unidata
- Report on CF work with satellite swath data, Aleksandar Jelenak, The HDF Group
- Report on the US IOOS developed CF Compliance Checker (PPT), Luke Campell, RPS/ASA and IOOS Program Office
- Discussion
- Current activities to advance netCDF-CF
- Coordination between CF Governance/Process and OGC, ESIP, etc.
Submitted by ethanrd on 2016-10-31 23:40.