Cloudbursting - Solving the 3-body problem


Many science projects in the future will be accomplished through collaboration among 2 or more NASA centers along with, potentially, external scientists. Science teams will be composed of more geographically dispersed individuals and groups. However, the current computing environment does not make this easy and seamless. By being able to share computing resources among members of a multi-center team working on a science/ engineering project, limited pre-competition funds could be more efficiently applied and technical work could be conducted more effectively with less time spent moving data or waiting for computing resources to free up. Based on the work from an NASA CIO IT Labs task, this presentation will highlight our prototype work in identifying the feasibility and identify the obstacles, both technical and management, to perform "Cloudbursting" among private clouds located at three different centers. We will demonstrate the use of private cloud computing infrastructure at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Langley Research Center, and Ames Research Center to provide elastic computation to each other to perform parallel Earth Science data imaging. We leverage elastic load balancing and auto-scaling features at each data center so that each location can independently define how many resources to allocate to a particular job that was "bursted" from another data center and demonstrate that compute capacity scales up and down with the job. We will also discuss future work in the area, which could include the use of cloud infrastructure from different cloud framework providers as well as other cloud service providers. 


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