Soliciting Community Feedback on the NOAA OneStop Data Discovery and Access Framework Project
The NOAA OneStop Data Discovery and Access Framework Project was initialized in FY15 and is now working rapidly to improve discovery and access to NOAA's data. This session will feature a combination of presentations and discussions led by OneStop Projects teams (for example, the Architecture Team and the Metadata Team), designed to both inform the ESIP community and solicit feedback on progress to date.
Kenneth Casey, OneStop Project Manager
- OneStop is a result new policy and regulatory environment, including the US Open Data Policy.
- OneStop is meant to improve discovery and access of NOAA data.
- Big Earth Data Initiative and Big Data Partnerships overlap with OneStop to improve access.
- OneStop’s approach will:
- Modernize high-priority data.
- Improve data infrastructure
- Release software
- Case Study of the Current to OneStop interface
- User-centric
- Dynamic
- Visual
- OneStop was conceptualized in May 2015 and initiated in Q4 FY2015. Received funding in end of FY2015 and has received funding for Q1 2016.
- OneStop will have a GUI, but there will be multiple other groups that can access data at every level and will utilize Agile design.
- Question: How will NOAA improve dataset relevance ranking?
- Currently using solar/lucine style. Data stewardship maturity, user evaluations, web services, and metadata rubric ranking will help with relevance rankings under OneStop.
- Potential collaboration à NASA currently has a a relevancy working group.
- How are the consequences tracked (i.e. usage tracking, links to publications, etc.)? Its on the radar, but may not be included in this project time period. NOAA library has done some analysis and can be included in relevancy ranking.
- How could re-usable interfaces be used across agencies? A lot of interest in it. 18F may be working on a playbook regarding this.
David Fischman, OneStop Architecture Team Lead
- Components of OneStop will be modular and compartmental, so system can evolved with other NOAA initiatives and make improvements over time.
- Agile development is based on user stories to develop discrete functional requirements, which are tested iteratively.
- The search engine will use Elasticsearch, locally hosted at each of the three NOAA centers.
- Elasticsearch is also used by ESRI and NASA.
- Graph database is being explored to represent metadata.
John Relph, OneStop IT Team Lead
- NOAA will modernize data from tape.
- OneStop will procure a storage solution, with the help of OSGS.
- Scalable up to multiple PBs
- Low cost to own
- Compatible with existing IT infrastructure
- Reasonable performance
- OneStop will be connected to NCEI systems via standard protocols (e.g. ISCIS, NFS).
- Question: Is there an alignment between big data initiatives and OneStop?
- Timelines didn’t fit with using cloud services currently, though relationships exist with cloud providers. Datasets that are currently in the cloud will be able to be taken advantage of and will hopefully move in that direction further down the line.
Nancy Ritchey, OneStop Metadata Team Lead
- Metadata will initially be limited to NCEI and CLASS.
- OneStop metadata practices draft has been developed and NOAA will be looking for feedback on practices in the future.
- NoSQL will be used for graph database and granular level metadata.
- Web Accessible Folders will support harvesting by externals and indexing to catalogue services.
- EMMA is already used to assess completeness and standardization of metadata.
- Question: How will maturity matrices be applied to ranking?
- Depending on
- Question: Is there any user modeling to identify the intent of the users?
- This won’t be occurring. Though some simple user intent may be able to be designed into the user account management (ex. operational users who want real-time data).
Soliciting Community Feedback on the NOAA OneStop Data Discovery and Access Framework Project; Winter Meeting 2016. ESIP Commons , September 2015
Submitted by Kenneth.Casey on 2015-09-29 11:12.