Summer Meeting 2013 Proceedings

Meeting Sessions


Drupal Working Group


Climate Education Working Group




Data Preservation


Data Management Training

Information Technology and Interoperability


Preservation and Stewardship

Energy and Climate

Cloud Computing


Climate Education Working Group



Products and Services



Data Preservation




Information Technology and Interoperability

Business Meeting

Data Preservation


Huffer, B.; Little, M.; Doelling, D.; Baskin, W.; Ontology-supported Data Discovery and Access ; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Knox,, L.; Nagg - a Tool to Aggregate and Package JPSS Products; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Ramachandran, B.; Jones, B.; Lamb, R.; Meyer, D.; Beckendorf, K.; Doescher, C.; U.S. Geological Survey Emergency Response to Evaluate and Support Natural and Human-induced Disasters: The EROS Experience; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Northup, E.; Tisdale, M.; Little, M.; Data for Disaster Planning, Response, Management and Awareness; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Toward NASA Best Practices for ISO 19115; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Bristol, S.; ScienceBase: a big ol' scientific database; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Harris, T.; Goodman, J.; ENVI & IDL Services Engine for Web Accessible Multi- & Hyperspectral Applications; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Duerr, R.; Choudhury, S.; DiLauro, T.; Mayernik, M.; Metsger, E.; Thessen, A.; Data Conservancy Provenance, Context and Lineage Services: Key Components for Data Preservation and Curation ; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Bristol, S.; USGS Community for Data Integration: Project Overview; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Habermann, T.; White, B.; Nakamura, E.; Farley, J.; Mitchell, A.; The Standards Adoption Process; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Ledley, T.; U, A.; M, S.; Manduca, C.; Fox, S.; Kirk, K.; Grogan, M.; Niepold, F.; Lynds, S.; Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Providing Reviewed Educational Resources to Enhance the Effective Use of Earth Science Data and Knowledge; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Conover, H.; Ramachandran, R.; He, M.; McEniry, M.; Beaumont, B.; Graves, S.; GPM Ground Validation Field Campaigns: Collaboration and Data Management Tools; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Branch, B.; M., A.; An International GIS and Data Curation dissemination framework using mobile devices: a Purdue-Aalto University example; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Sonntag, W.; Eye on Earth Global Network of Networks Special Initiative Activities for 2013; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Baumann, P.; Agile Analytics with EarthServer; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Bagwell, R.; Murphy, K.; Wong, M.; Creating a Collaborative Environment for Earth Data; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Kusterer, J.; Overview of Data Discovery and Access at the ASDC; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Baumann, P.; Big Spatio-Temporal Data: OGC Web Coverage Services; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Perez, J.; Baskin, W.; Piatko, P.; Advanced Subsetter Capabilities for Atmospheric Science Datasets ; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Johnson, R.; National Earth Science Teachers Association: Earth Science Education Leadership and the Next Generation Science Standards; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Gleason, J.; Cloud Computing for the NASA Atmospheric Sciences Data Center with Amazon Web Services; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
McLaughlin, B.; Siarto, J.; NASA Earthdata Code Collaborative (ECC); Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Tyler Stevens.; ; NASA’s Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Next Generation Website; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , May 2013
Boehm, R.; Funding Friday Project Update: ESIP Federation Network Analysis Project; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Ma, X.; Guang, J.; Goldstein, J.; Aulenbach, S.; Tilmes, C.; Fox, P.; Ontology engineering for provenance enablement in the third National Climate Assessment; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
P, D.; De, D.; De, D.; Cezar, M.; Geospatial Information Management - a Model for Embrapa; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , May 2013
Gilliam, L.; MODIS Web Services: Enabling Automated Access and Post-Processing of MODIS Science Data; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Sheffield, B.; Duerr, R.; Collins, J.; McNeave, C.; McCann, H.; Pulsifer, P.; Eicken, H.; Improved Access, Management and Preservation of Traditional Knowledge and Data through Online Tools; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Schloss, A.; Beaudry, J.; Pickle, J.; Digital Earth Watch and Picture Post Network– What’s in a Digital Picture?; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
R., R.; Measuring the Multidisciplinary Impact of Scientific Data Disseminated by the NASA SEDAC; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Jha, P.; Maskey, M.; Harper, S.; Keiser, K.; Graves, S.; Coastal Hazard Events Driven Automated Data Aggregation, Processing, and Delivery; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
VegScape: a national crop condition monitoring system; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Hoebelheinrich, N.; Data Management Training for Earth Scientists -- What's Next?; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
The OpenPub Funding Friday Project: New Approaches for Scientific Publishing; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Peng, C.; Deng, M.; Di, L.; Han, W.; Yagci, A.; Heo, G.; Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System: a tool to map and analyze agricultural drought; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Caron, B.; Ramachandran, R.; NASA Science on Drupal Central: Science is better on Drupal; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Chandrasekar, K.; Plale, B.; Cloud for Climate: Data & Resource Management on Cloud; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Kang, L.; Di, L.; Falke, S.; Shao, Y.; Han, W.; Discovery of atmosphere composition data through federated catalog; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Plale, B.; H., R.; Chandrasekar, K.; Kouper, I.; The SEAD Prototype: Data Curation and Preservation for Sustainability Science ; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
W., R.; DataNet Federation Consortium - Policy-based data management; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
G., V.; Bryson, G.; Making the Old New Again: New Seasat Satellite Images from 35-Year-Old Raw Data; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Newman, D.; Mitchell, A.; ECHO OpenSearch; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
M., A.; Beach, J.; Grady, C.; Cavner, J.; Lifemapper: Infrastructure and Web Services Enabling Biodiversity Research; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013
Mathews, T.; Quam, B.; Vakhnin, A.; Little, M.; Implementing iRODS for Data Federation; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Cechini, M.; NASA Worldview & Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) - Demonstrating NASA's Changing Paradigms for Using Satellite Imagery; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , June 2013
Kaftos, M.; Calderon, I.; Ongoing CEESMO Projects; Summer Meeting 2013. ESIP Commons , July 2013